More than 50 Espaciel customer testimonials to discover on our blog!

With over 7000 Light Reflectors Espaciel has covered a very large number of different application cases.

How can we share Light Reflector lighting solutions within our user community? Discover 50 Espaciel customer testimonials on our blog. Tips, ideas, inspiration, there are bound to be solutions for you in this pool of experiences shared by our customers.

les témoignages de nos clients sont essentiels pour aider et montrer à nos visiteurs l'effet du Réflecteur de Lumière et la lumière naturelle dans leur intérieur
Customer testimonials – Espaciel
  • Owners and tenants : 50 Espaciel customers
  • Type of activity : Residential and tertiary
  • City : 20 different countries
  • Location : All configuration types
  • Openings : Windows and window doors
  • Space to be illuminated : Dwellings and offices
  • Model Espaciel installed : All types of Reflectors

The experience of natural light, an intimate experience

partager une expérience permet de donner envie et de guider les futurs acheteurs dans leur choix de réflecteur de lumière
Young woman looking out the window having coffee – Photo Freestocks

At Espaciel, your customer experience is our main source of motivation. The advice we provide you online, by email or by phone and then the supply of Light Reflectors are only the first steps in a long story. The one you write every day, enhancing the light of the sky and the sun with the help of our products. This value chain that our customers and users build day after day, year after year is lived in the privacy of a house, apartment or workplace.

For each member of the Espaciel team, it is essential to know how you feel ! All the phases of use that follow the purchase on our website are of interest to us and can give rise to an Espaciel customer testimonial. This is also the case for Espaciel purchases from our distributors (Mon Aménagement Maison, BHV, Nature & Confort, Leroy Merlin…).

Information gathering and sharing on the Espaciel blog

Since the creation of the company, 50 of our loyal users have lent themselves to the game of customer testimonials in the form of a report for the Espaciel blog. Within the team, it is Camille who oversees this essential work. With you, she collects the key themes and solutions to solve recurring problems concerning natural lighting. This constant exchange with our users allows us to provide you with advice and tips directly applicable to your situation! Whether you live in the city, in the country, in an apartment, in a house, whether it is to light your living or working place… You too can get in the game

Since the creation of the company, 50 of our loyal users have lent themselves to the game of customer testimonials in the form of a report for the Espaciel blog. Within the team, it is Camille who oversees this essential work. With you, she collects the key themes and solutions to solve recurring problems concerning natural lighting. This constant exchange with our users allows us to provide you with advice and tips directly applicable to your situation! Whether you live in the city, in the country, in an apartment, in a house, whether it is to light your living or working place… You too can get in the game let us know your experience.

Specific implementation for the Advent calendar

le calendrier de l'avant espaciel permet de découvrir chaque jour un témoignage d'un de nos clients en avant et de connaître son ressenti sur le produit
Advent calendar Espaciel 2019 – Photo Markus Spiske

For the 25 days leading up to Christmas, Thomas, Espaciel lighting consultant, wanted to propose an advent calendar on the theme of natural light. Reading the blog again, we realised that more than 50 Espaciel customer testimonials had already been put online.

Hence the idea of choosing 25 of them to feed our Facebook page daily from December 1st to 25th and constitute an Espaciel Advent calendar. So during the pre-Christmas period, we had the pleasure of sharing a different customer testimonial every day, in the form of an Advent calendar section on the Espaciel Facebook page

Results Achieved

Here are two examples of Espaciel customer testimonials, highlighted on the Espaciel blog.

Bringing in the light from the sky: Juliette in Paris (75)

témoignage d'une architecte d'intérieur qui rénove un appartement haussmannien pour apporter plus de lumière naturelle
Haussmannian apartment, renovate with natural light. An architect’s project in Paris

Benefiting from the sun’s rays: Sophie at Orchies (59)

témoignage client de sophie qui éclaire et fait rentrer les rayons du soleil dans son intérieur avec le Réflecteur Jardin Motorisé
House in the North, how do you get the sun’s rays into your home ?

Discover all Espaciel customer testimonials here.

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