Anne is one of Espaciel’s many clients in Paris. Her son lives in the centre of the capital for his studies and finding accommodation is not easy! He lives in a Parisian studio, which he almost had to part with because of the lack of light: it is located on the ground floor, on an inner courtyard and north-facing! This testimony goes back to the solution his mother found for him to benefit from a studio that is naturally well-lit.

Background on the situation of Anne and her son
Can you show us your home?
My son rents a Parisian studio of about 20 square meters with a separate kitchen. This studio faces the courtyard, it is an additional comfort for his tranquility. However, in addition to being in the courtyard, the apartment is located on the ground floor and north-facing: the worst situation in terms of natural light! The light never reaches the living room (and even less the sun)!

Le salon est vraiment sombre, la cuisine n’est pas très claire elle non plus mais elle a une fenêtre de la même grandeur que celle du salon alors que la pièce est plus petite. La fenêtre du salon a également des barreaux aux fenêtres, ce qui n’aide pas la lumière à passer.
Had you thought of different solutions?
I had always had in mind the idea of improving the brightness of my son’s studio, but I hadn’t found anything very appropriate. In my house, there are bay windows all over the place, which gives a good general luminosity. At my son’s house, it was quite the opposite, we didn’t want him to live in such a dark apartment all year round.
Without having looked on the internet, I had thought about the mirror game but I quickly realized that you could only bring a small beam of light into the room. I had tried this system in different places, but the effect was not so strong.
The arrival of Espaciel reflectors
How did you find out about Espaciel?
I came across Espaciel’s website completely by chance. I was looking at pictures on Google to see how people were doing in situations like this. I think I typed “room in the north” or “how to light an apartment in the north” as keywords, and I saw a before/after picture that redirected me to Espaciel’s website.
When I started to discover the concept, I found it very interesting! The before and after pictures are very useful to realize the expected result. I think it’s great that someone thought about this solution because a lot of people have a lack of brightness at home, whether it’s in the city or even in a house in the north in the country!
Which light reflector did you choose?
After finishing browsing the site and the blog, I contacted Jérémie, an Espaciel lighting consultant. I didn’t know which model to choose because of the bars on the window. I chose the balcony model: my son doesn’t have a balustrade but the fixing fits very well with the window bars. As with the balustrade, the brackets attach and tighten to the bars. There is no drilling to do, it’s very simple!

The Result
As soon as I received the package, I installed the reflector myself: I’m the handyman of the house! I didn’t follow the instructions too much and managed to install it as I thought.
My son was very sceptical at the beginning, so I kind of forced him to put a light reflector on it… In the end, with the installation of this product, he is very happy and plans to stay in this apartment!

With the Espaciel reflector installed, you immediately saw the difference: it’s day and night! Of course the Parisian studio is exposed to the north, but the interior of the living room is now luminous! For me it’s magical and the service is very professional!
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Thank you to Anne and her son for their testimony. If you too would like to send us your before/after pictures and tell us about your experience with your light reflectors, write to us at
Do you have a dark room and want to increase its natural light? Contact us and we will be happy to give you personal advice: