Categories: Testimonials

What is the solution to naturally light a dark apartment?

Espaciel continues to work with influencers. Today we are going to talk about Alicia Machani, blogger. She has been living in Paris for 2 years. Alicia wants to find a solution to redirect and diffuse the outside light in her dark apartment to make it more pleasant and luminous.

Portrait of Alicia Machani, Parisian blogger

Alicia, influential in Paris

Alicia’s apartment – Photo Alicia Machani

Alicia works in a digital communications agency as an influence planner. She plans communication operations for her clients. She animates her lifestyle blog in her spare time. It’s a way to stay constantly active in her job as an influencer which is a real passion for her.

Alicia’s blog deals with fashion and life style topics. She likes to work in partnership with brands from different sectors such as decoration, gastronomy, fashion

Solution for restoring light to a dark apartment

Inside Alicia’s apartment – Photo Alicia Machani

Alicia lives in a Parisian apartment on the ground floor overlooking the inner courtyard, the lack of light is felt in her living room. She likes to frequently change the decoration in her interior to bring new touches of modernity to each season. In her new blog article she presents tips on how to organize your space by sharing ideas, tips and tricks. She brings up the subject of light: how to illuminate your interior naturally ? For her, the Espaciel Reflector is the solution for lighting a dark apartment.

Passionate about new ideas to improve well-being and feel good at home, Alicia contacted Espaciel to find a solution to light up her dark apartment. That’s how Alicia equipped herself with an Espaciel Reflector.

Diagram of how the Balcony Reflector works – Photo Espaciel

It has opted for the Balcony Reflector, the most suitable for its configuration. Its window overlooking her living room has bars. The mounting method of the Balcony Reflector allows the surface to be clipped directly onto the bars. The Espaciel Reflector captures the luminosity of the sky and/or the rays of the sky to redirect them directly to its interior. It is the solution to change your dark apartment into a bright one.

“The Espaciel Reflector propels daylight into my interior.”

Alicia Machani
Balcony reflector fixed on the bars – Photo Alicia Machani

Results Achieved

Brightness provided by the Espaciel Reflector – Photo Alicia Machani

Alicia’s living room is brighter, natural light is diffused into the room in a soft and pleasant way. Daylight is essential for the well-being of the interior. Alicia is delighted with the result. After this conclusive test, she is convinced that the Light Reflector is the solution for naturally lighting a dark apartment.

“The Espaciel Reflector works every day, rain or shine. I can tell you it’s life-changing! “

Alicia Machani

Retrieve Alicia’s instagram :


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