
Radio, television & video at 2M views: back on a Media Spring for Espaciel

Espaciel – back to a Media Spring (Radio, television and videos)

Spring has been a very intense media event for Espaciel. From France 5 to RTL via our first video with more than 2 million views on Facebook, we have revealed everything about the light reflector: its history, its advantages, its unique features… We are proud to share these moments with you here!

France 5 – La Quotidienne: interview with Alexi Hervé

Firstly, Alexi, founder of Espaciel, was invited on the set of La Quotidienne for the feature: Genius ideas that change our lives. He presents the Espaciel reflector and the history of the company: from the idea, to the first customers, to the creation of the Espaciel range. Quite a program!

RTL : Let in the light with the Espaciel reflector

Then, Espaciel was in the spotlight on French radio RTL in Laëticia Nallet’s Lifestyle column. In 2 minutes, discover the chronicle on the light reflector, 100% Made in Lille and also manufactured in collaboration with an E.S.A.T (Etablissement et Service d’Aide par le Travail, formerly CAT).

“The role of the reflector is to capture the available light, providing up to +50% more natural light.” Laëticia Naellet, RTL

Have you seen him? The video has more than 2M views…

1 innovation per day is the Facebook page for innovation enthusiasts. Mid-April, a video on Espaciel is published there. In one weekend, the video already exceeds 500,000 views, and thus several thousand shares and numerous comments. Today, it counts more than 2 million views and has thus made the concept of the light reflector known to a very large number of people. Do you have it?

In 40 seconds, discover the characteristics of the Espaciel reflector that make it unique in the world:

Discover our Youtube channel as fast as the light!

    Do you have any questions about Espaciel? Or would you like personal advice?

    Get in touch with our team of lighting consultants by sending an email to or click on the link below.


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