
Invest in Espaciel, join the Espaciel Heroes!

Invest in Espaciel, join the Espaciel Heroes!

Natural light accessible to all!

When we created Espaciel in 2013, we had a vision, an ambition, a dream: to make natural light accessible to everyone. With nearly 4,000 reflectors installed in more than 20 countries, this challenge is becoming a reality. The Espaciel light reflector provides a unique and innovative service that meets a real need.

Relatives, friends, associates, clients, colleagues, partners, you have helped and guided us in this adventure. We owe our first successes to you… Today, we are offering you the opportunity to go further in the Espaciel adventure by becoming a shareholder in the company, alongside us!

Photos Before / After the installation of an Espaciel reflector

From the prototype made in the kitchen… to the product sold at Leroy Merlin

Since the first “home-made” Espaciel reflector in 2006, the product has constantly evolved to reach its current shape and its various applications: window, balcony, French window… It is the ideas and feedback from our friends, partners and customers that led to the successful and patented product we are marketing today. Proof of the maturity of the product, the BHV & Leroy Merlin in France, Migros in Switzerland are starting to distribute Espaciel reflectors in their stores!

This co-design approach has shown us the importance of sharing and exchange, to refine our offer and services in relation to market expectations. Today it seems natural to us to offer a new form of involvement to our community and our customers.

The Espaciel reflector a simple, effective and accessible solution

Acceleration of web sales and start up in distribution

In 2017, Espaciel is online to achieve a turnover of 300 000 €. That’s twice as much as in 2016.

In addition to the development of e-commerce sales on the store, the activity is becoming multi-channel: sales in supermarkets and first sales on professional projects, to equip offices. The numerous press spin-offs strengthen Espaciel’s reputation and facilitate sales.

Our goal is to double sales again in 2018 and 2019. An ambition supported by a boost e-commerce plan and the distribution of Espaciel reflectors in new stores. For example: Espaciel is now present in 2 Leroy Merlin stores (Ivry and Rosny), while the brand has more than 130 stores in France alone!

Transformation : from startup to industrial SME

The acceleration in sales reinforces the company’s development prospects. But in the short term it is a challenge to finance the production of the stock of light reflectors, deliver them, and then be paid (at 45 days end of month for distribution), hence the launch of this fund raising. We are looking for €60,000 before the end of September to launch the production of a new series of latest-generation Espaciel reflectors, and to implement our margin optimisation plan. We want to validate this crucial step to accelerate the company’s development.

There is an Espaciel reflector for all configurations.

Espaciel Heroes, an exceptional investment offer

We propose you to buy Espaciel shares, at the historical rate, through the holding company Espaciel Heroes. Diversifying your investments by focusing on a French high-tech startup like Espaciel offers the prospect of significant capital gains. In 5 years, it is possible that your Espaciel shares will be worth 2, 3 or even 5 times their current price. This is not the case with your A-leaflet.

On the other hand, like any startup, Espaciel represents a risk of partial or total loss of your participation. Moreover, you cannot instantly resell your shares. The repurchase is organized individually or collectively according to a defined timing. It’s a medium-term investment.

Investing at Espaciel also presents for you, an important fiscal advantage, since your investment can be deducted from income tax at 18%, and from wealth tax at 50%.

How to invest at Espaciel?

The investment that we propose to you is organized in two stages:

1st Step: You take part in the Espaciel Heroes fundraising from mid-August to the end of September, with a minimum investment of 500€. The holding company Espaciel Heroes brings together all the individual holdings of our community.

2nd Step: At the beginning of October, Espaciel Heroes subscribes to Espaciel’s capital increase. The Espaciel Heroes community will then represent about 7% of the company’s shares, which is significant. Espaciel Heroes will be represented on the company’s bimonthly strategy committee by one of the members of the holding company.


We are at your disposal by phone, on the groups Espaciel Heroes Facebook and Espaciel Heroes Linkedin, or via email :

Alexi & Jérémie : Associates Espaciel Operational

Are you interested? Let us know and stay informed:


Summary sheet Espaciel Heroes

Management team

Alexi Hervé, A&M Engineer, DEA in Design and Innovation Jérémie Marti, A&M Engineer, ESCP Master in Communication and Marketing

Business model

Sale of Espaciel reflectors directly to individuals on the web and via distributors (BHV, Leroy Merlin…). Manufacture of reflectors with industrial partners in France and Europe. Assembly, storage and dispatch via our logistics partner in Lille.

Capital gains for investors Espaciel Heroes

As a pioneer of reflectors for the home, Espaciel has developed an expertise in advising and selling its products. It is a future nugget in the field of natural lighting. In this sector, Solatube is a reference: created in 1991 with the support of private investors, the company today has a turnover of 200 million dollars in 40 countries. This is the kind of story we want to write with Espaciel.

Scenario for reselling your shares for Espaciel Heroes

At this stage there are several possible scenarios for the redemption of your Espaciel Heroes shares: redemption by the management team, redemption by an investor specialising in business development, redemption of the shares by a commercial or industrial partner.

Period and mode of Subscription

From mid-August to the end of September. Launch date to be communicated shortly. Subscription via the Hoolders / Ipoome platform.


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