
Natural light for everyone!

What could be simpler and more enjoyable than going out and enjoying the daylight? At the end of a day…

5 years ago

Macdonald’s warehouse, the birth of a new business quarter in Paris

Today, even if urban sprawl is increasingly nibbling at our landscapes, we can see new parts of the city appear instead of old industrial wastelands, as is the case with the Macdonald warehouse. This is why the creation of the Rosa Parks place in Paris 19th district is excellent news. This neglected place, trapped between the railways…

6 years ago

mon amenagement maison . fr first web reseller Espaciel

Mon Aménagement Maison was Espaciel's first web partner. Today, our two companies have been working together for 4 years. Light…

7 years ago

French Tech Christmas: 5 wellness gifts from French Startups

Christmas is fast approaching and you don't know what to give your loved ones? Look no further, we have a…

7 years ago

6 ideas to be happy in winter with “Hygge”, the Danish well-being!

6 ideas to be happy in winter with "Hygge", the danish well-being ! In 2017, according to the World Happiness…

7 years ago

Light on Espaciel logistics for your delivery!

Light on Espaciel logistics for your delivery! Already 4000 reflectors delivered in more than 20 countries. Who's doing all these…

7 years ago

Espaciel light reflectors at the BHV in Paris!

Since 2015, Espaciel has been offering light reflectors at the BHV Marais in Paris. One more step to allow everyone…

8 years ago

Espaciel’s Favourite: Wi-System, sharing the world, not the waves!

Espaciel's Favourite: Wi-System, sharing the world, not the waves! In the Espaciel blog, we've included a section on our favourites…

8 years ago

7 Innovative gifts from French startups to offer, or to give each other for Christmas!

7 Innovative gifts from French startups to offer, or to give each other for Christmas! “Le Noël de la French Tech”…

8 years ago

What if 5 French startups helped you sell your property?

All of us will one day have to move. The reasons for a move are many and varied: a change…

9 years ago