
Balcony cap: How to get more daylight in? – Testimony of Vincent on the French Riviera

Balcony cap: How to get more daylight in?

Vincent lives in the South of France where the sun is very present. He loves his apartment and his region: sea, nature and sun… what more could he ask for? More luminosity at home! Indeed, Vincent has a terrace with a balcony above which hides the entrance of natural light and makes his living room dark. Looking for an effective solution to make his apartment brighter, Vincent ordered an Espaciel reflector. Discover his testimony :

Context of Vincent’s situation

Can you show us your home?

My girlfriend and I live in a beautiful apartment in a small town in the South of France by the sea. It’s as if the sun is part of our daily life.

Unfortunately our terrace is about 2 meters deep, completely covered by a cap balcony from the floor above. This prevents sunlight from reaching our interior. Not to make things worse, we are facing a mountain, which hides the sun from us from 4 pm in winter (west orientation). And finally, the terrace is closed on one side by a stone wall. It was really frustrating to be in such a bright area, and to have a dark living room.

How did you think about the light reflector?

After searching on decoration sites, ideas to brighten up the rooms. Passive and ecological solutions are ideal. They therefore rule out electric lighting systems during the day.

Having come across an article that mentioned Espaciel reflectors, we went through the site, including the blog section to read customer experiences. The testimonials gave us a quick idea of the significant gain in natural light from the reflectors, and we jumped at it! On top of that, we learned that the Espaciel reflector is totally recyclable.

Control and installation of light reflectors

Which Espaciel reflector did you order and why?

Given the depth of our balcony, we opted for a 35 x 120 terrace reflector. We decided to place it on the ground close to our railing to capture daylight as well as possible. On top of that, this light reflector is very thin and light, allowing us to fully enjoy our terrace and the view of the mountain.

I was a little skeptical at first about the efficiency of the Espaciel light reflector. It’s a totally new and innovative product, and no one around me knew about it. The Satisfied or Money Back Guarantee within 30 days was the element that reassured us to place an order. Knowing that we could return the reflector if we were not satisfied is a good option. It is the solution to be perfectly satisfied with your purchase.

What has the Espaciel reflector changed in your everyday life?

As announced on the website, we received our light reflector after one week. The same evening, we installed our terrace reflector. It was quick and rather easy thanks to the Espaciel instructions provided in the package. We just had to wait for the next day to test it…

As soon as the shutters were opened, we could see a gain of light when the day had only just come up. My partner and I were impressed by the efficiency: our living room was brighter. It exceeded my expectations.

Result without terrace reflector and with terrace reflector

Several times during the day, we placed the reflector under a cardboard box to measure the difference. The Espaciel reflector has a visible effect as soon as the sun comes up, whether the weather is nice or not. I also thought that the diffusion of light in our home would be in a rectangle: that is the shape of the reflector on the ceiling of our living room. And that’s not the case. The diffusion takes place over several meters deep. This large diffuse brush of brightness allows us to enjoy the light at any time of day.

The surface of the reflector is shiny, without being dazzling. It’s relatively discreet on our balcony. The extra light is a real pleasure for our eyes. We couldn’t do without it.

Any last words?

I was so satisfied with my patio light reflector that I ordered a new solar balcony reflector for even more light.

We also saw the France 3 report on Espaciel. We liked to learn, that the production of reflectors is partly done in an ESAT (ex-CAT) where disabled workers enter the job market.

Trying the Espaciel reflector is simply adopting it!

Thank you Vincent for your photos and your sharing of experience.

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    If you too would like to send us your before/after pictures and tell us about your experience with your light reflectors, write to us at info@espaciel.com.

    Do you have a dark room and want to increase its natural light? Contact us and we will be happy to give you personal advice:


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