Finding a studio in Paris is a challenge, but for Caroline, a young model, the real challenge lay elsewhere: how to brighten up a dark studio? Discover her simple and effective tip for bringing more natural light into her home with a Daylight Reflector! Fiche projet Customer: Caroline, tenant of her apartme Project: brighten...
What solution can be proposed to compensate for the loss of sunlight due to a new construction? Urban Project and Groupe H have come up with an original approach on the Migros Chêne Bourg site using Espaciel reflectors. Project sheet: Project owner: Migros and Equalis Delegated project manager: Urban Project Architect: Groupe H Facade contractor:...
Dear friends, associates and clients, It is thanks to you that Espaciel has been developing since the beginning. We are counting on your support to take us to the next level. With more than 10,000 reflectors sold in 25 countries, our innovations have been a real success with private customers. Now it is the professionals...
Moving into a newly renovated loft in the city centre is a dream that Justin is lucky enough to have realised. In Lille, this former garage from the 1930s has been transformed into a home. Arranged on two levels, the loft is very recessed. The sun comes in at the top of the party walls...
How do you brighten up an industrial loft from the 1900s? This is the challenge that Nadia and Sylvain took up during the renovation of an old carpentry in Clamart in France. Espaciel Reflectors bring the sun down into the courtyard to brighten the loft – Photo by Nadia and Sylvain Project sheet : Owner:...
Natural light is intimately linked to the functioning of our body, hence its essential role in our health. Scientists continue to explore its multiple contributions. Here is a selection of discoveries that prove the importance of natural light for health. Biological clock, circadian cycle, vitamin D… after reading this article, you’ll know everything about the...
The sun is a precious resource, even in one of the brightest cities in France. With this testimony from Philippe and Joëlle in Sète, discover how to capture the sun at the bottom of the garden to illuminate a dark room? Project sheet: Owner: Philippe and Joëlle Type of housing: Town house City: Sète (34)...
In the city, having an interior courtyard is a huge advantage. Especially if you can turn it into a terrace or a garden. However, it must be possible to make it a bright place. This is often antinomic. In this article, discover our tips and solutions to design a dark courtyard and make it naturally...
Dear friends, dear customers, Happy and bright year 2022 ! On behalf of Espaciel I wish you all the best: excellent health and the end of the health crisis. 2022 is a number filled with 2. At Espaciel, this encourages us to redouble our efforts for our customers. Before launching ourselves body and...
Beatrice and Romain live on the first floor of a 1900’s building in Lisbon. They want to transform the interior courtyard into a flower garden. The main obstacle is the lack of light. The inner courtyard is in the shadow of the 6 floors of the building. In this article, discover how they brought the...